*Stops Banging Head Against Wall*
I believe some of you might be interested in the situation of my education. Somewhere around SuperBowl XL, I discussed how I thought I signed up online for classes in December only to find out the day before classes start that I only filled a virutal shopping cart without taking it to check out. The process now involved going to each class on the first day, getting an add slip, taking said add slip to enrollment services so they can officially add the class, and taking the add slip back to the teacher. Repeat until you've signed up for all your classes.
Using this process, I got into four of the six classes I wanted. That includes the Creative Writing class, or more accurately my Advanced Fiction Writing class, which didn't have nearly as long a waitlist as I thought. The only classes I didn't get were ones I didn't show up for. Go fig. They were the Total Fitness class, which I didn't think would be worth the effort, and the Beginning Voice class, because my bus didn't show up. I thought I had missed my Popular Songwriting course, which was in the same room at the same time on a different day, only to discover I mistook it for my Beginning Voice class.
For those of you keeping score, this is my current schedule:
The Art of Play Reading - Mondays and Wednesdays, 9:30 AM to 11 (ironically, nothing to do with voice acting)
Abnormal Psychology - Mondays and Wednesdays, 2:30 PM to 4 (Oh, I hope we learn about Dissociative Identity Disorders! *Crosses fingers*)
Advanced Fiction Writing - Tuesdays, 6 PM to 9:10 (Maybe this time I'll actually write for six hours a week!)
Popular Songwritting - Wednesdays, 7 PM to 10:10 (The coolest part? I only have to write one song for the entire semester!)
Here's my fantasy for my Songwriting course: Y'see, at the end of the semester, I have to turn in the song in the form of a performance, either live or recorded. Meanwhile, my brother's girlfriend is the manager of a little-known Psychobilly band called the Formaldabrides (I wish I knew if I was being ironic). I'm hoping I can get them to perform my song. Live would be great, but recorded would be good, too. Of course, I don't know if I can retain the rights to my song...
Meanwhile, I'll probably be spending about three dollars a week printing out four copies of my stories for my Advanced Fiction Writing course, and since my mom stopped sending my money after she left her job to move back in with her parents and keep Grandma company (she has feelings of isolation due to Grampa being hard of hearing), I'll have to get a job of my own. This had me feeling kinda edgy, since it would most certainly interfere with homework and my internet addiction. Then I found out the college's computer lab is looking for office assistants. I figure that being in the college's computer lab, where I'll be printing out my work anyway, wouldn't interfere too much with my school work and getting out of the house might help focus on my writing, so I picked up an application. I wonder if I can put some of my paycheck directly into my print account...
What Dave Matthews Band Song Are You (Results Contain Pictures)?
brought to you by Quizilla
Using this process, I got into four of the six classes I wanted. That includes the Creative Writing class, or more accurately my Advanced Fiction Writing class, which didn't have nearly as long a waitlist as I thought. The only classes I didn't get were ones I didn't show up for. Go fig. They were the Total Fitness class, which I didn't think would be worth the effort, and the Beginning Voice class, because my bus didn't show up. I thought I had missed my Popular Songwriting course, which was in the same room at the same time on a different day, only to discover I mistook it for my Beginning Voice class.
For those of you keeping score, this is my current schedule:
The Art of Play Reading - Mondays and Wednesdays, 9:30 AM to 11 (ironically, nothing to do with voice acting)
Abnormal Psychology - Mondays and Wednesdays, 2:30 PM to 4 (Oh, I hope we learn about Dissociative Identity Disorders! *Crosses fingers*)
Advanced Fiction Writing - Tuesdays, 6 PM to 9:10 (Maybe this time I'll actually write for six hours a week!)
Popular Songwritting - Wednesdays, 7 PM to 10:10 (The coolest part? I only have to write one song for the entire semester!)
Here's my fantasy for my Songwriting course: Y'see, at the end of the semester, I have to turn in the song in the form of a performance, either live or recorded. Meanwhile, my brother's girlfriend is the manager of a little-known Psychobilly band called the Formaldabrides (I wish I knew if I was being ironic). I'm hoping I can get them to perform my song. Live would be great, but recorded would be good, too. Of course, I don't know if I can retain the rights to my song...
Meanwhile, I'll probably be spending about three dollars a week printing out four copies of my stories for my Advanced Fiction Writing course, and since my mom stopped sending my money after she left her job to move back in with her parents and keep Grandma company (she has feelings of isolation due to Grampa being hard of hearing), I'll have to get a job of my own. This had me feeling kinda edgy, since it would most certainly interfere with homework and my internet addiction. Then I found out the college's computer lab is looking for office assistants. I figure that being in the college's computer lab, where I'll be printing out my work anyway, wouldn't interfere too much with my school work and getting out of the house might help focus on my writing, so I picked up an application. I wonder if I can put some of my paycheck directly into my print account...
What Dave Matthews Band Song Are You (Results Contain Pictures)?
brought to you by Quizilla
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