Monday, July 11, 2005

That Soulless Bastard. He Took Over My Dead Cat

When I decided to blog this, I wasn't sure I could stop crying long enough to actually type this, but my computer took so long to boot up I think I might be able to handle it now.

Minutes ago I woke up from what I now consider the worst dream I ever had. The bulk of it wasn't even any stranger than how my dreams normally go. It was the end that got to me, even after I woke up.

Only this last scene is relevant. There was this bad guy, I don't know who he was, but he had managed to upload his mind into the computer system of a futuristic house. We managed to get him out of the system and into a throw pillow, from which he telepathically threatened and demanded of us. I wrapped him up and had taken out back to be destroyed. But it wasn't until after this had been done that we figured it was a bad idea, because now he could be in anything, the computers again, a toothbrush, someone else... anywhere.

Then the water aliens showed up because he had been misusing their technology. I had to break the news to them and we started brainstorming on how to figure out where he was when I saw him, or rather her. My cat, Fluff, who had died last year and was apparently buried in the backyard (for purposes of the dream. She was, in fact, cremated) was trotting through the house as if it were no big deal.

That soulless bastard. He took over my dead cat.

I was all "Oh, no you didn't!" and we leapt into action. One of the aliens caught her and I was talking smack to her. "You're in trouble now, young lady. Or should I say old lady?" Although, while I was talking smack, she looked like my grandmother's grey cat (who is probably also dead by now) with a suitably comically horrified look on its face. Anyway, it was Fluff again when he was throwing a fit, clawing and screeching and telepathically cursing and all that. The alien had me hold her as we took her outside to their car. Meanwhile, the screeching had taken on the quality of the sound that accompanies a test pattern and my ears were ringing when I woke up.

The aliens had a dolly set up outside, but it was designed to restrain a human so the aliens had to dig around in their trunk for the cat carrier. Meanwhile, this guy, I guess he was the groundskeeper 'cause he looked kinda like Scruffy from Futurama, came out from around the house with some equipment and started putting it in the car. I didn't know if he knew about Fluff or not, so I tried to hide her from him while trying to hold her tightly so she wouldn't escape. Her body was in pretty good condition (she had died in her sleep), although the hair around her mouth was matted down and gunky like when she got sick, so anyone could've assumed she was still alive at first glance. I was still holding her as I was waking up, and was even a little reluctant to let go of her after I realized she wasn't in bed with me.

I kinda choked up just thinking about writing up that last sentence. Thinking about writing the next paragraph is making my eyes water.

I kinda lay there for a while, thinking about Fluff. When my brother had found her, she was laying under a bush near our house. She had been staying outside because the fleas were too much for her to handle. My brother, trying not to cry and trying not to laugh because he was failing to, said she looked like she was asleep. I couldn't bear to look at her, even when he and my dad put her into a box. We took her to the vet to have her cremated. She was put on a table in a room just off the waiting room so we could say our last goodbyes. I didn't even want to look into the room, but my brother assured me we were supposed to be in there (I looked like I was being a look-out) and urged me to look at Fluff. Aside from the lack of breathing and other movement, she looked like she was only sleeping and would wake up at any moment. My brother had made sure she wasn't dirty and there were no bugs on her. I had many cats die on me, one even had what I think were death throes as I held his box to my lap on the way to the vet, but this was the only one I recall having seen the body of. I realized that I didn't want to look at her because I knew I was going to cry, and that's exactly what happened. I'm practically crying right now just thinking about it.

Even as I relived that horrible moment and thought of how the dream could be incorporated into a story, one sentence repeated intermittently in my mind:

"That soulless bastard took over my dead cat."

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