Monday, April 18, 2005

Connection Complete! I Think

Okay, so it turns out I just need to use frames to get my new blog onto my webpage. I had to copy the HTML from another site (since they were using it the same way I wanted to), and I hope they don't mind my using it. Thing is, when I tested the webpage on my computer in Netscape, it displayed Netscape search results instead of my blog. But, when I tested it in Internet Explorer, it worked just fine. That's why the old updates are still on this page. I'm going to hazard a trial run, and if I like what I see I'll delete the old updates.

What kinda sucks, though, is that it seems like it has to go at the very bottom of the page or else nothing below it will appear. If I want more frames on the page, I'd have to use completely different HTML and the entire page, to my knowledge, would have to be just frames. No actual content, just code that points to other pages in order to put it on the first one. I suppose both methodologies have their advantages, but this is the only one I'm comfortable using with Keenspace. Keenspace uses templates for the index page and individual strip pages (generated dynamicly from a template) along with special site code that is automatically replaced with the proper HTML. I'd elaborate, but I think I may have said too much already. I haven't read the TOS in a while, and I'm not sure if I'm allowed to tell you about the site code. Eh, heh. ^_^;;;

As you can see, I've changed the layout of the blog. I was using a template and I wasn't happy with certain elements being all lower-case. I suppose I could've just changed that myself, but I didn't want to bother with that. By the way, the date on the previous post is wrong. Funny story. On that date, I was making this really long post with all sorts of HTML (from on-line quiz results, if you must know) and saving drafts as I went. At one point, I reopened the draft an everything - EVERYTHING - had disappeared. Considering I was a good part of the way through a folder filled with text files containing scraps of code, I wasn't quite in the mood to start all over. I had meant to write something in it real soon, but I kinda forgot about it for a month. Then, since I still had the draft and I was a bit of a pack rat, I decided to use that post and put more stuff in it. So now the date a is a month off, but that will soon change since I just now noticed that I can change the time and date on the posts. -_-;

Also, you might notice the picture on the top right. Its an older version of the sprite I'm using in the webcomic. I thought I had lighter-colored hair at the time, but I'm not really that blonde anymore. It kinda darkened as I got older. In fact, I don't think I've been that blonde since elementary school. Boy, how time flies. There are also links on the right, which I may expand by transferring links from the webpage. Whatever you do, don't click on the link about the brain-eating zombies. They will eat your brain. I'm not kidding. Don't click on it. 99 people have already lost their brains from that link alone last I checked. Don't be another statistic!

Still ready to go? Don't say I didn't warn you.

What else, what else...? I noticed something about novel blogging on this site. I think I'll open another blog and put some of my work in it. I'm currently working on a novel that I want to make into some kind of RPG or video game. It takes place on this planet where animals can transform into tools and weaponry and such. Kind of Legend of Zelda meets Pokemon, but the actual inspiration started with something more along the lines of Tenchi Muyo meets the Big O. A friend of mine wanted ideas for robots in this giant robot fic he was writing, so I gave him one that was a cabbit like Ryo-Ohki, the cat-rabbit creature from Tenchi Muyo that could transform into a living space ship, but this one, named Big-Ohki, transformed into a giant living robot modeled after the title machine from Big O. It kinda looked like Big O, except made of crystal and lacking a head. Later I discovered the Ryo-Ohki could transform into a robot in the series Tenchi in Tokyo, but I thought that series sucked and prefered to ignore that form. I also gave Big-Ohki a backstory involving the terraformation of Mars and how the colonists that accidently got stuck in the process wound up with the ability to bond with the transforming wildlife. This would ultimately lead to this kid bonding with the aforementioned cabbit-mecha, growing up to become a space policeman, losing his android partner to a made bomber, going rogue, and becoming a bounty hunter. Then all sorts of other ideas came along and now I have a story about a girl who bonds with a wolf that transforms into armor ('cause I thought the pun "Wearwolf" was too good to pass up) and she wants to become a Chimera Knight. I haven't really decided what exactly Chimera Knights are or what they stand for, but I imagine they'll be a sort of cross between a Jedi Knight and a superhero. I guess I'll do some research on chivalry and Jedi codes to come up with a good idea.

So, I guess that's it, then. I think I'll tag on a quiz result here from my massive vault of junk data.

Are You Afraid Of The Dark? Telling ghost stories
that scare the crap out of me is your goal in
life. Please stop, the clowns'll eat me...

What's Your 90's Nickelodeon Show?
brought to you by Quizilla


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